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28. April 2024
09:00 UTC
DW NewsNews
09:15 UTC
ShiftIs Your Partner Spying on You with Apps?
Spyware on a partner's smartphone is becoming more common. How to protect yourself. Can watermarks really help against deepfakes? And: Why it matters that kids believe Alexa and Siri have feelings.
09:30 UTC
The 77 PercentTourism in Africa
How we well do you know Africa? This week, The 77 Percent takes you for a ride through the continent’s tourist attractions. DW's Fatou Muloshi tries bungee jumping at Victoria Falls. We sample some flavors at Zanzibar’s spice markets. Our local guides show you the hidden spots in Cotonou, Brazzaville, Maseru and Tamale. And finally, we meet a female Maasai tour guide challenging stereotypes.